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Spring Sesshin in Walkringen, led by Eishuku Monika Leibundgut.

As I stand on a rocky ridge, between pines and oaks,
spring has come, all shrouded in mist.


Sesshin literally means “to touch the true mind”, to become intimately acquainted with oneself, with one’s own body and mind. It offers you the opportunity to  practice zen, the way of the Buddha, the path to oneself. The main practice of zen is zazen, adopting the posture of the Buddha. You sit on a zafu (round cushion) with crossed legs, straight back, chin pulled in, the breath calm, deep without resistance, letting your thoughts and everything that appears pass by.
The Zen Dojo Zurich was founded in 1975 by Taisen Deshimaru, belongs to the Soto School and is affiliated with the AZI. As a zen temple it bears the name Mu i jo,  „Castle of NonFear.“ The dojo offers daily zazen practice and dharma-teaching. In addition, it offers summer retreats (ango), sesshin, mondo, lectures, Zen
activities and related topics. It issues publications of Zen texts. It is open to all those who are willing to practice the Zen way.

CHF 210.- (180.- €) for teaching, food and accommodation. Payable in advance to the Zen Dojo Zurich:

IBAN: CH62 0900 0000 8002 8152 5

Zen-Dojo Zürich

8001 Zürich


Please bring Zafu (firm, round meditation cushion approx. 10 cm) Can be bought at the sesshin in Walkringen), black kimono or dark comfortable clothing, bowl with spoon and napkin (Oryoki), sleeping bag (bed linen can be rented).