Sunday, 15th.June 2025
Arrival: 7:30 Uhr | Begin: 8:00 Uhr | End: ca. 18 Uhr
Costs: CHF 60.- incl. lunch
On this Zazen day we dedicate ourselves fully to the practice of Zazen and to the concentration on all our actions in the Dojo. Zazen, ceremony, meals and Samu (work) are alternating. After the first Zazen in the morning we ceremonially eat the Guen-Mai, the traditional rice soup in the Dojo. Following this, it is time for Samu (work), and after the second Zazen, lunch is served. After the Siesta we have two more Zazen, finishing with a last ceremony on that day. An aperitif and a sociable dinner for those who want to stay and enjoy that round up the day.
A Zazen day is a good possibility to let go of the every-day life’s conditions in order to fully concentrate on the practice of the Buddha’s path.