If your mind starts to wander, don't follow it, but always stay focussed on your posture. And if the mind wants to stay somewhere, on a category, an idea, then…
Sitting in silence transforms hearts into mirrors that hold nothing. When we awaken to this awareness, all areas are like images in our mirror: What comes does not stick, what…
If someone asks, "What is true Zen?" there is no need for you to open your mouth to explain. Show all aspects of your zazen posture, then the spring wind…
When you surrender to the exhalation and let the inhalation fill you, in a harmonious coming and going, nothing remains but a zafu under the empty sky, the weight of…
When you are in the dojo with spiritual friends to practise the great and precious zazen, you must not forget this favour. It is more important than earthly ties, which…
You should carry within you a mindset that transfers the Buddha's teaching to your whole life and builds temples out of vegetables yourselves. - Dogen Kigen